Our Mission
Unity in Community Outreach Ministry is an inter-denominational, inter-racial and diverse service organization whose goal is to address the needs of Nelson County residents regardless of ethnic, spiritual, or cultural background.

Governance of UIC operations is provided by an executive board comprised of the president, secretary and treasurer.
How We Are Funded
Unity in Community is a non-profit organization and has 501(c)3 status with the Internal Revenue Service and contributions are tax-deductible. Funds for Unity in Community come from three sources: Grants, Donations and Fundraisers.
Nelson County Community Fund
Charlottesville Area Community Grant Funds
BAMA Grant of the Dave Matthews Band
Enriching Communities Grant
Community Endowment Grant
Community Foundation of the Blue Ridge
Wells Fargo Bank
Bethlehem United Methodist Church
Ebenezer Baptist Church
Little Zion Baptist Church
Montreal Baptist Church
Mt. Airy Baptist Church
Mt. Eagle Baptist Church
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church
Oak Hill Baptist Church
Rock Spring United Methodist Church
Rockfish Presbyterian Church
Rodes United Methodist Church
Shiloh Baptist Church
St. Hebron Baptist Church
St. Mary Catholic Church
Trinity Episcopal Church
Blue Ridge Medical Center
Central Virginia Electric Cooperative
Food Lion
Freeman Enterprises
Home Depot
Miller School
Nelson County Community Orchestra
Nelson Ministerial Alliance
Piedmont Baptist Association
Shannon Farms
Skip Barton Campaign Fund
Contributions have been made by more than sixty individuals.
Unity in Community holds two to three fundraising activities each year.
These include pancake breakfasts, spaghetti dinners, Soup Saturdays and a fundraising banquet.

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Who We Work With
Unity in Community is proud to work with other groups in carrying out its mission to serve others.
UIC hosts quarterly meetings with other Service Organizations to share concerns, plans, new opportunities and to assure needs are being met but not duplicated. Participating in these meetings are organizations including the Department of Social Services, Jefferson Area Board for Aging, Monticello Area Community Action Agency, Region Ten, Nelson County Sheriff ’s Department and Nelson County medical facilities.
UIC works with the Nelson County Schools by providing financial support, sponsoring a scholarship for a Nelson County student, sponsoring a clothes closet at the middle/high school, working with the Kid Care Project and by collecting school supplies at the start of the school year.
The Heritage Center graciously provides furniture and clothing storage to UIC.
UIC actively supports the Heritage Center Food Pantry.
UIC works with the Nelson Ministerial Alliance in furthering the coordinated effort to bring people and churches of all denominations together and to work for the brotherhood of all.

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